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Image by Francesco Gallarotti


Pour que ANKAA se développe, puisse offrir plus de cours et atteigne son potentiel maximum, nous avons besoin de soutien.

Vous aimez notre travail?

Merci de nous soutenir.

ANKAA Project believes in a world in which people have equitable pathways to education and employment.

We need people that believe in our actions and support us.


Why do we need your support?


  • Because we need financial resources to keep our programs and classes running

  • Because education, training and employment opportunities are essential for social inclusion. 

  • Because ANKAA needs you to continue our work together with refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and people out of employment in Athens.

  • Because we need you to support our students’ future and to make social inclusion a priority for and with our students.

Other ways to support ANKAA Project

Par virement bancaire:

IBAN : LU12 0030 5086 8960 1000


Si vous souhaitez faire un don d'articles, de matériel ou de votre temps, veuillez nous contacter!

For people from Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands, donate via our Payconiq QR Code:

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